operating standerds |
Dive Safe Number One Ethic is the safety, health and well being of its employees, contractors, customers and the public. Safety will never be compromised. |
Before and during each significant operation, consult with the customer to:
Establish mutual expectations through appropriate communications in an atmosphere of cooperation.
Develop a thorough understanding of the upcoming program and the duties and obligations of everyone involve.
Reach agreement as to the customer’s expectations concerning Dive Safe’s contribution.
Devise plans that define and use, to best advantage, all available resources to complete the job safely, efficiently and in accordance with mutual expectations. |
Operations are a team effort with direction and ultimate onsite accountability for results vested in the nominated
Dive Safe employee. When deemed necessary, the nominated employee may require individual participation that goes beyond pre-assigned responsibilities. |
Personnel will receive sufficient training and supervision to:
Understand what is expected of them and become proficient in their jobs;
Understand the relationship between individual performance and operating objectives;
Understand the purpose and operation of all assigned equipment;
Act as a team in performing the tasks necessary for efficient operations with skill and safety; and Maintain, through personal appearance and conduct, a positive impression of morale, discipline and pride. |
Performance will be measured. Successful performance results in a job that is completed to mutual expectations in the most effective sequence without interruptions or surprises and in accordance with Company operating procedures and policies. |
Upon completion of a significant undertaking, Dive Safe supervisory personnel will review the results with the Customer to determine whether or not expectations were met. Any variances in performance will be reviewed and appropriate action will be taken. |
Equipment will be properly operated and maintained as per IMCA published Guideline’s of Maintenance & Standards. |